Our Certifications

Maunekea Leadership Institute

Is our customized approach for executive leaders to  understand talent's full journey

Our consultants are certified from the University of Minnesota's Office of Equity and Diversity on DEI frameworks, skills and tools necessary for advancing equity and diversity in all aspects of our personal and professional lives.  

We are authorized administrators of the IDI assessment, a tool that measures an individual's or group's cultural competency and subsequent mindset towards cultural differences and similarities. The tool provides a developmental framework for increasing cultural competency. Used in tandem with our Executive Advising program, leaders  develop more effective skills and strategies for navigating cultural differences to achieve better organizational outcomes.

TB Williams Consulting has been a certified MBE by NMSDC since 2019.  MBE certification is the gold standard for minority-owned for-profit businesses, and it is the certification that NMSDC has offered for its more than 50-year history. It requires that businesses are at least 51% owned, managed, and controlled by qualified minority group members.

We are trained Prosci Change Management Practitioners, using Prosci's ADKAR model to enable successful change at the individual level and the Prosci 3-Phase Process framework for helping your organization adapt to new changes, improve company culture, and achieve sustainable outcomes.